A neat thingy I stumbled upon on
You can see it in action here:
<head> <title>WikiBrowser As HtmlApplication (IE only)</title> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="WikiBrowser" APPLICATIONNAME="WikiBrowser" windowstate="maximized"> <script language=JScript> function help1(){ alert('You got this help box by pressing F1. '+'
'+ ' '+
'Press Alt-1 to set the focus on the Commandline.'+'
'+' '+
'Press a single key to navigate to'+'
'b=PhpWiki:RecentChanges' +'
'c=Wiki:RecentChanges' +'
'd=Meatball:RecentChanges' +'
'e=Sci-fi wiki:RecentChanges' + '
'f=PhpWiki:PhpWikiBrainstorm' +'
'g=DseWiki:RecentChanges' +'
'h=Wikipedia:RecentChanges' +'
'x=AcadWiki.Edit:WikiBrowser'); window.event.returnValue = false; //suppressing the general Windows help } </script> </head>
<body> a=AcadWiki, b=PhpWiki, c=Wiki, d=Meatball, e=sci-fi, f=PhpBrainstorm, g=DseWiki h=wikipediax=editthis
<label for="TheAddress" accesskey="1" ></label> <input type=text value= onhelp="help1()" id=TheAddress style=width=100%>
<iframe src="" id=TheFrame style="width: 100%; height: 100%"> </iframe>
<script language=JScript> function navigate() { document.all.TheFrame.src = TheAddress.value } function jumpto(url) { TheAddress.value=url; window.event.keyCode=0; navigate(); TheAddress.focus(); // needs to be in a "on target document loaded" handler }
function clickShortcut() { cc=window.event.keyCode; switch(cc){ case 13: navigate();break; case 97: // a jumpto("");break; case 98: // b jumpto("");break; case 99: // c jumpto("");break; case 100: // d jumpto("");break; case 101: // e jumpto("");break case 102: // f jumpto("");break; case 103: // g jumpto("");break; case 104: // h jumpto("");break; case 120: // x jumpto("");break; } } TheAddress.focus(); TheAddress.onkeypress =clickShortcut; </script> </body> </html>
- See also : User:WojPob